10 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview to Impress Employers

This article is focuses on questions to ask in a job interview with 10 real examples of job interview questions to ask employers. 

When you’re finished meeting the hiring manager, remember to write a job interview thank you note, too! 

We have all been in this situation before. You have made it through rounds of questions about your experience and behavior and the interview is coming to a close.

You are feeling confident about your responses thus far, when the interviewer stares across the table and asks…

“Do you have any questions for us?”

Unfortunately, many people spend so much time preparing their own interview responses that they forget to prepare meaningful questions to ask the employer.

No matter how well the beginning of the interview goes, if the interview ends with an empty question, or worse, no questions at all, the employer will be left with an extremely bad taste in their mouth.

To make sure you impress from beginning to end, we have collected the best questions to ask during a job interview to impress an employer.

This job interview article will cover:

  • What is a power question? Why are they important for me?
  • How to prepare power questions
  • 10 real examples of job interview questions to ask in a job interview
  • Job interview questions you shouldn’t ask employers

What is a Power Question? Why Are They Important?

A power question is a meaningful and thoughtful question that an interviewee asks an employer.

These power questions usually are about the company, its culture, the actual job, and the company’s future.

The purpose of a power question is to show the interviewer that you care about the company. Asking great questions also shows that you have spent time carefully preparing for the interview.

At the end of an interview, many people ask about hours, pay, and benefits. This can give employers and hiring managers the idea that the candidate is immature or self-centered.

If these questions are used right, employers will remember you and your unique questions you asked at the end of the job interview.

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How to Prepare Job Interview Questions

Prepare a list of power questions to ask the employer at the end of the interview before the actual interview.

Don’t be afraid to come into a job interview with your questions written down ahead of time.

Coming prepared with power questions shows the employer that you are prepared, thoughtful, and eager to get the job.

10 Real Examples of Job Interview Questions To Ask Employers

Here are 10 of the best power questions to ask an employer during an interview:

  1. If you were to interview two candidates with the same skills and years of experience, what would make you choose one over the other?
  2. If hired for this position, what milestones would you expect me to hit within the first week, month, and year?
  3. What are three words you would use to describe your company culture?
  4. What do you personally love about working here?
  5. I see that your company recently launched (enter new division or product line here). How do you foresee that impacting both your clients and employees?
  6. As you look into the future of (enter company name), what big changes or milestones do you foresee happening within the next three years?
  7. Career growth is important to me, as I never want to stop learning. What is the projected career path for a (enter position title here) at your company?
  8. There is a lot of competition in your industry. What would you say makes (enter company name here) better than the rest?
  9. If you were to compare (enter company name here) to an animal, what animal would (enter company name here) be?
  10. If you think about the most successful person on your team, what traits or qualities set them apart?

10 Questions You Probably Shouldn’t Ask In A Job Interview

When asked if you have questions for the employer, focus on power questions like the examples above.

Try to avoid asking questions about pay, benefits, or time off.

This is especially important if this is the first job interview you are having with the employer or hiring manager. This meeting creates their first impression of you as a potential employee.

List of 10 questions to avoid:

  1. How much will I get paid?
  2. Do I get bonuses or raises?
  3. How many days off can I get a year?
  4. How long is our lunch break?
  5. Do sick days count against PTO?
  6. I have health issues… Do you offer insurance?
  7. What time do I have to come into work in the morning?
  8. Do you have a strict dress code?
  9. Do you have a limit on expense reports?
  10. How many hours am I expected to work each week?

It is important to learn the answers to these questions. However, the first job interview you have with may not be the best time to find this information out.

Your first and second job interviews with an employer should determine if your skills and personality are a good fit for the role.

When you and the employer agree that they should hire you, then you can work all of the other details out.

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