How to Find Your Passion in Life and Your Career

There’s a common misconception that your career and passions are exclusive of one another. Change your approach by seeking out things that give you joy and finding innovative ways to incorporate them into your work.

This article will explore how you to identify your passions and leverage them in your professional life.

How to find your passion for your career

Some people find it easy to identify what they’re passionate about. However, even if you know a few things that you greatly enjoy, you could still be missing some of the essential elements that will turn your passion into a vocation.

Try these steps to determine how your passions can relate to your profession.

1. Consider what you find interesting in your personal, academic or professional life

Make a list of things you love. The more passions you identify, the greater your chances of finding something you can use in your career.

2. Think about other people you admire and their careers

Consider a few people you would love to trade places with. Research what they’re doing and how they got there. You might find that your dream programming career requires a more advanced degree, or that the artist you admire got her start in a small gallery similar to one near you.

The more you know about other people’s career journeys, the better equipped you are to emulate them.

3. Try new experiences in your personal and professional time

Turn your passions into something more tangible. If you’re passionate about singing, start signing up for open mic nights. You may discover that the stage is an exhilarating place you want to pursue, or you might find that your passion is more for songwriting than performing. If you’re passionate about cooking, take a few culinary classes and discover what aspect of cooking you enjoy most.

You might even discover a passion for something you’ve never done. Take a class, volunteer, visit a museum or meet an expert. The more you learn about different skills and activities, the broader your view will become. Soon, you may see potential career paths that you weren’t aware of before.

4. Find the value in your passions, skills and interests

Consider who would appreciate the things that are most meaningful to you. If you’re passionate about cooking, that’s anyone who enjoys a good meal. If you’re passionate about dance, this might interest those interested in the arts. Look for opportunities to turn the activities you enjoy into something marketable. This will help create a connection between doing something as a hobby and doing something as a career.

5. Explore new options in your field of experiences

Look for ways to incorporate your passions in the work that you’re already doing. If you’re an accountant with a passion for organic food, consider working for a company that works with organic farms. If you work in IT but you really love teaching, speak to your superior about hosting classes within the company that cover important tech skills. 

Also, learn  what co-workers are doing and see if there’s a way to incorporate your passions into their work. If you’re passionate about design, but work in sales, see if you can design marketing materials for other teams. Speak to others in your company about possible opportunities in other departments.

6. Work with a mentor to find inspiration and advice

A mentor can offer insights into your strengths and weaknesses that may help you identify useful ways to incorporate your passions into your profession. Speaking with a mentor who knows you well may you discover new ways to leverage your passions. Sometimes another individual will be able to identify opportunities that you may have overlooked.

7. Shadow another professional at work

Set up a day shadowing another professional who is already established in another career that you feel you would be passionate about. You can see firsthand what this job entails. This can help you identify the things you like most about the job and may give you new ideas about how you can blend some of those elements in your current career.

If you’re in between jobs, consider interning or taking a temp job in a new field. This is a good way to try something different on a short-term basis. Your experiences will help you explore your passions further and identify the activities and projects that you feel most connected to.

Pursuing your passion in life and work takes time and dedication. However, those who are dedicated to bringing more joy and excitement into their lives often find surprising opportunities to do so.