Understanding the Importance of Networking

Importance of Networking | Tips & Examples | Resume.com

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By understanding networking as a tool for professional success, you can start creating your own network of industry contacts. Maintaining and building professional relationships can greatly influence your career. This article reviews the definition of networking, why networking is important, tips for improving your skills, and examples of situations where you can network.

What is networking?

Networking is the process by which people make meaningful and often long-lasting professional connections with others. It is also important to note that networking can take place between individuals employed in different industries. Networking connects professionals and encourages them to use these connections to gain industry knowledge and further their careers.

What is the importance of networking?

Here is a list of reasons why networking can benefit you and your future.

Improves your soft skills

Networking encourages a lot of face-to-face interaction with others. This allows you to become a skilled communicator as you meet professionals at different hierarchal levels within your industry. Hone your skills in active listening, team-building, empathy, and open-mindedness by participating in verbal discussions with other professionals.

Creates opportunities for mentorship and in-depth industry knowledge

Networking is also important because it introduces you to seasoned industry professionals who can act as mentor figures. By talking with your mentors, you can learn about industry practices, discuss current trends and make predictions about the future direction of your industry. Having someone to talk to about your area of specialty encourages you to learn more about your profession and its purpose.

Expands your job search through industry connections

Networking can help motivate you to be more proactive when searching for jobs. Communicating with other professionals in your industry can help you identify opportunities at other companies that offer higher pay or a better work environment.

Enhances your chance for career advancement

Networking is also important because of its potential to connect you with those who work higher up in your industry. Connections to current employees can influence whether or not a company considers you. If you want to obtain a more advanced position, looking to those within your network who currently hold leadership positions can improve your chances and help you through the hiring process.

Generates opportunities for a career change

If you are considering a career change, networking can be very beneficial in helping you make the transition to another industry. By building a network of professionals within the industry you want to work in, you can gain reputable references and establish yourself as a credible individual to employers.

Tips for improving networking skills

The following list reviews some helpful tips for improving your networking skills.

Make sure your connections are mutually beneficial

Ensure your networking connections are mutually beneficial by identifying how you and the other person could benefit from one another on a professional level.

Be early for meetings and events

You can meet and get to know a smaller group of people on a more in-depth level if you get to events and meetings before they begin and before larger crowds arrive.

Follow up with your connections on a consistent basis

You can follow up with your contacts as often as you find it necessary. Still, regardless, it is important to continue fostering and growing your relationships with them. You could keep in contact by sending emails, making calls, or setting up casual meetings in person.

Send thank-you notes

After you meet someone for the first time, send them a thank-you note. This provides a personal touch and lets the person know that you appreciate their time.

Set quantitative networking goals

To continue expanding your network, set specific, quantitative goals. You can use these goals to motivate yourself to continue building on your network, bringing about new opportunities.

Actively search for local networking opportunities

Searching for nearby events and organizations can help build your local contacts and provide opportunities to expand your industry knowledge.

Focus on being yourself

Not all networking has to be formal and business-like. Instead, you can engage with contacts in a more casual manner, such as getting together for lunch to get to know one another on a more personal level.

Examples of settings where you can network

Here are a few places where you can build your professional network to foster meaningful industry connections.

Current workplace

You can use the connections you have made within your current place of employment to build a primary network of industry professionals. This can be useful when applying for internal promotions or when a former coworker gets a job at a company you want to work for.

Networking events

Designated networking events are another great place to connect with professionals. These can be offered by your company, event venues, or outside organizations. Networking events allow you to form professional relationships with people who are also looking to expand their circles of connections.

Alumni events

Attending alumni events at your former college or university can present you with a unique opportunity to reconnect with former classmates who graduated in your major. Your shared educational background and field of interest could help you learn about job openings in their companies or other industry opportunities.


Conferences are a networking opportunity you can attend on behalf of your company or on your own. You can attend speeches and seminars or observe smaller presentations. Conferences allow you to speak with industry experts and potentially keep in contact with them for future job opportunities.

Certification courses

Certification courses are a great way to gain industry credentials while also interacting with other professionals who are striving for success within their fields. Consider a leadership course or one that covers a specific topic, such as marketing tactics, software programs, or project management.

Local clubs and activities

You can also find additions to your professional network by participating in local activities related to your hobbies outside of work, such as joining a book club. This is an opportunity to meet people nearby who work in a diverse number of fields. You can use your shared passion for a particular hobby to fuel more professional topics of conversation.

Volunteer events

Volunteer events are another way to make professional connections within your community. You can potentially learn about local job opportunities within your industry while also participating in a community effort.

Coffee shops

Coffee shops can be a hub for freelance or remote professionals. It is also a good environment for casual business meetings. The next time you find yourself in a coffee shop, consider observing the different people who use it as their place of work.

Try to introduce yourself to one or more of these individuals. For example, if you notice someone coding and are currently trying to learn how, introduce yourself, explain your desire to learn how to code, and ask for their help in exchange for a coffee. Taking the initiative in this situation could lead to meaningful mentorships or professional relationships.

Social media platforms

You can use social media platforms to network with people who work in your industry, especially platforms designed to connect professionals. You might not be able to meet with your connections face-to-face. However, you can still use the technology at your disposal to forge beneficial professional relationships.

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