How to Develop Self Discipline and Increase Performance

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Developing self-discipline is one of the greatest struggles people have to overcome in the quest for success. This struggle is within and it is a winnable one. 

Naturally, people who have developed self-discipline will be able to increase performance and results. They don’t allow their emotional state to sway their decision-making but instead stay mentally-centered to make informed, well-intended and carefully thought-out decisions. This usually helps them to increase performance and to have outstanding results.

What is self-discipline and why is it important?

Self-discipline, sometimes called self-control, is a system of behavior where people choose to do what is required to be done over doing what they want to do. 

There are many benefits to increasing your self-discipline, including:

  • Setting and achieving goals 
  • Building your self-esteem
  • Impressing others with your achievements
  • Motivating others to achieve their goals

Self-discipline is one of the major factors for personal success and also for increasing performance. 

Related: Self Discipline: Definition and Examples

How to develop self-discipline

There are concrete steps you have to take consistently to develop self-discipline and to increase performance.

The following will show you some of these steps to develop self-discipline on a regular basis:

1. Firstly, understand your weaknesses

Everyone has weaknesses, but it’s important to identify them and give them the necessary attention so that you can overcome them. People who don’t try to identify their weaknesses will not be able to successfully start the journey to develop self-discipline.

2. Secondly, take away temptations

Temptations are those things or events that make you do only what you want to do rather than what you have to do. They are those bad influences that take your attention away from your goals. You can learn to remove these temptations. The more you take these temptations away, the more self-confidence you develop.

3. Thirdly, learn to set goals

The goal of self-disciple is to better achieve and exceed your goals. In order to do so, you must first set clear goals and a plan of execution. Setting the right goals will inform the direction your life is heading. When goals and plans are in place, you will be able to accomplish the goals.

Related: Setting Goals to Improve Your Career

4. Fourthly, master the skill of self-discipline

Developing self-discipline is like developing any other skill. Self-discipline must be built. You can commit yourself to developing this skill by making it a daily practice.

5. Then, learn to develop new habits and stick with them

In an effort to develop self-confidence, you may need to discard some unsuitable habits and learn new ones. This may look daunting at first, especially if you focus on the whole process all at once. To achieve success in forming new habits, you should break the whole process into smaller, more realistic steps. Start practicing the steps one-by-one and grow from there. For example, if you want to learn a new habit of reading one book per week, start by reading one chapter or one page of a book per day.

6. Next, ensure you eat regularly and rest adequately

Being hungry has a significant role in your quest to develop self-confidence. Food gives you energy and low blood sugar often weakens people’s resolution to get tasks done. When you’re hungry, it can be hard to concentrate or complete a task. Be sure to eat well and on time, as well as rest well to help your focus and build up your resolution to carry out set tasks and goals.

7. Finally, reward yourself

Rewards, awards and accomplishments have a way of getting people excited and also building up their desire to achieve more. Reward yourself when you achieve set goals. It is important that you also move on from there by setting more goals and rewards when you achieve them.  

Examples of self-discipline practices

The following are some different examples where people learn to develop self-discipline:

  • Staying up at night to work on a project instead of sleeping
  • Reading a book instead of watching the television
  • Reading a book instead of spending time on social media
  • Working on the next step of a set goal instead of playing games on your phone
  • Silencing phone notifications at work so that you can focus on career goals
  • Scheduling time to be productive instead of allowing yourself to become distracted

Set clear goals that will take you towards your life vision and put concrete, actionable plans on the ground to get to your goals.