Best Security Guard Skills to List on Your Resume

Security Guard Resume Skills | How-to & Examples

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If you’re applying for a security guard position, there are many skills you should include on your resume to showcase your capabilities to perform well in this role. These include a mixture of hard and soft skills that operate together to help you effectively work in a position that requires focus and dedication. Learn why it’s important to highlight relevant skills on your resume and what some of the most important security guard skills are.

What is a security guard?

A security guard is a professional who patrols a location and monitors activity to protect the premise and any personnel that might be present. Security guards may control an access gate or patrol on foot to deter crime and respond to potential criminal, medical or fire emergencies. They operate various surveillance equipment such as cameras and alarms. Some guards may be required to carry a firearm, depending on their place of employment and legal permission to possess one.

Why do employers want to see security guard skills on your resume?

A well-crafted resume highlighting your relevant security guard skills will help get your application in front of the employer because most companies electronically scan resumes to find only those that are qualified.

Additionally, some security guard roles require a much greater list of hard and soft skills than others, like a security guard working at a department store compared to one patrolling a bank. This means it’s crucial to demonstrate the particular qualifications you have for the role you apply to in a way that makes you stand apart from the pool of applicants once a hiring manager looks over your resume.

Popular security guard skills to add to a resume

Here are the best security guard skills to include on a resume.

Communication skills

Being a security guard requires communicating with various people, including residents, guests, emergency personnel, employees, and other individuals who may enter and leave a location. Security guards need both verbal and nonverbal communication skills that allow them to build relationships with others, handle personal interaction in social situations and provide exceptional security services.

Examples of communication skills:

  • Active listening
  • Customer service
  • Ability to follow complex instructions
  • Active learning
  • Compassion
  • Honesty

Conflict resolution skills

Security guards are often required to respond to a wide range of situations, some of which may involve emergencies or criminal acts. To take control, they need to have strong conflict resolution skills to anticipate potential issues and respond accordingly with quick thinking. These skills can help them prevent conflicts from escalating into bigger emergencies.

Examples of conflict resolution skills:

  • Negotiation
  • Problem-solving
  • Attention to detail
  • Persuasion
  • Critical thinking
  • Judgment
  • Leadership

Safety management skills

The biggest set of skills a security guard needs is to manage the safety of the location they secure. They must know and understand safety compliance, operate surveillance technology, and possess a thorough knowledge of safety procedures set by their employer.

Examples of safety management skills:

  • Effective surveillance
  • Perceptiveness
  • Knowledge of First Aid and CPR
  • Familiarity with security and fire inspection procedures
  • Some criminal justice knowledge
  • Ability to operate a firearm if required

Reporting skills

Another important skill as a security guard is accurately reporting events that occur while on duty. Security guards must be motivated to stay focused at their job and be able to recall key details for law enforcement, medical staff, and reporting purposes.

Examples of reporting skills:

  • Logic
  • Objective outlook
  • Awareness of surroundings
  • Clear written communication


Staying professional, especially during times of stress, is a necessary trait for a security guard. Unexpected events can unfold during any shift, and it’s the guard’s job to remain calm, reasonable, and fair.

Examples of professionalism:

  • Self-awareness
  • Integrity
  • Emotional control
  • Dependability
  • Strong ethical code

How to list security guard skills on a resume

The following are the steps you can take to highlight your security guard skills on your resume.

1. First, determine what skills the security guard role requires

Before including any security guard skills on your resume, first, assess which particular skills will be the most useful in the job you’re applying for. Look through the job description carefully to pinpoint the skills the employer sees as most important, and use this to guide your own list. It helps to know the exact skills a hiring manager wants to see, so your resume stands out among the others.

2. Second, make a list of skills you possess that apply to the job

After making a list of relevant skills for the job, think about what skills you possess. Compare the two lists to come up with a final list of relevant skills you can add to your security guard resume. Make sure the skills you include are skills you actually have and can prove in an interview or on the job.

3. Third, create a Skills section on your resume

In the Skills section, you list the relevant skills you came up with. Skills should be included as a bulleted list so the hiring manager can read through them easily. Make sure the section is clearly labeled as Skills, Related Skills, Qualifications, or another similar heading to clearly highlight it for the employer.

4. Lastly, mention your relatable skills in your experience section

Include more details about your specific security guard skills below your work history descriptions. For example, if you list dependable in your skills section, you could demonstrate that skill by stating that you “Maintained perfect attendance and volunteered to take extra shifts for call-ins.” Place this skill under one of your work experience listings, if applicable.

How to improve your security guard skills

Here are a few ways that you can improve your current security guard skills.

1. First, know your policies and procedures by heart

To perform your job well, you need to know the job manuals. Take your studies of them seriously to make sure when the actual on-the-job test comes, you know exactly what to do and how to do it. You can make quick, proactive choices to handle situations professionally and effectively when you don’t have to second-guess your decisions.

2. Then, continue to learn about your job

Engage a mentor or take refresher courses. You could attend seminars and workshops to help you gain greater knowledge and understanding of your role. Many learning opportunities allow you to hear from experienced guards who provide additional insight and tips to successfully work in security. Also, the more education you acquire, the more impressed potential employers will be.

3. Finally, stay prepared and physically fit

It’s important to stay in great physical condition and be ready for any situation that may arise on the job. Working out regularly and learning self-defense can help you handle potentially taxing circumstances such as apprehending an individual or de-escalating a physical altercation.

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