Useful Analytical Skills for Developing Your Career

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Analytical skills are essential for advancing in your career and showing employers that you have the ambition and ability to generate success for their company. Employers rely on people with analytical skills to make important decisions and carry them out while adapting to challenges as they occur. In this article, you can learn more about analytical skills and how to list them on a resume so you can demonstrate your value as an applicant in any field.

What are analytical skills?

Analytical skills are the knowledge and ability related to evaluating problems, brainstorming solutions and assessing possible outcomes. They are used any time someone examines and assesses information, objects or a problem and its possible solutions. Having a well-rounded set of analytical skills often comes from years of experience and practice. You can stay competitive in the workplace by continually developing your analytical skills.

Why employers value analytical skills

Employers value analytical skills because they can be applied to almost any situation and are essential in making good decisions for the company. In the workplace, analytical skills can be used when gathering data, creating a strategic plan and setting goals. They are necessary skills for many fields, ranging from customer service environments where employees are required to use tact to manage customer expectations, to emergency response careers where people must make the best choices to resolve a crisis. Here are some of the best skills that are an i

Best analytical skills to list on a resume

Here are some of the best skills that are important parts of being able to confidently analyze issues or situations in the workplace: 


Research skills can be used in any project that would benefit from additional background information. Businesses often operate at their best when they have reliable sources on what their audience is looking for or the best practices for a certain project. People with good research skills can help assess a situation by finding reliable sources and gathering information.

Attention to detail

Paying attention to details and noticing key information is an important part of analysis. The goal of analyzing information is to compile the most useful details and interpret them. Good attention to detail allows you to make informed decisions about which information is the most relevant. This skill helps you notice trends in data and interpret any patterns. 


When analyzing a problem, you need creativity in order to envision possible solutions. As technology develops, people will need to adapt to a changing workplace and think of creative ideas for improving the efficiency and quality of their work. You can also use creativity to connect with others and apply new knowledge to your work. 

Critical thinking

Critical thinking involves evaluating a subject by examining each aspect of it separately. Critical thinkers use a rational series of steps to ensure that their ideas could be useful to the situation. This skill helps support the quality of your analysis and provides a way to filter out unrealistic ideas. 


The ability to communicate your analysis to others is just as important as being able to research and understand the best course of action yourself. People with strong analytical skills are able to communicate well in writing and through conversation. You can use communication to support analysis in the workplace by asking others for their expertise and using their feedback to inform your decisions.  

Active listening

Just as communication is important for sharing your thoughts with others, active listening is important for understanding what others are trying to communicate with you. Active listening involves focusing on what someone else has to say and asking clarifying questions to understand their meaning. By being an active listener, you can gain additional insight into people’s perspectives on a subject or issue. 


Decision-making is an important analytical skill because it requires you to not only be informed but also able to make a choice confidently based on what you have learned. Being able to make decisions is beneficial in the planning stages of a project as well as its implementation. You can make the best decisions for yourself and others by paying attention to all of the factors that influence a situation. Decisiveness saves time. 

Time management

Time management is an analytical skill that involves making an educated guess about how long each part of a project will take and when you will be able to accomplish it. People with excellent time management skills are able to look at how they spend their time each day and develop methods to be more efficient. Managing your time effectively shows employers that you have the ability to prioritize tasks and assess the outcome of your workday. 


Being able to troubleshoot a problem involves knowing what methods could solve a possible problem and systematically diagnosing an issue. Troubleshooting can be applied to technical and interpersonal environments. Employers look for people with troubleshooting skills because they can analyze a situation in a solution-oriented way. 

Tips for listing analytical skills on a resume

Here are several tips for including analytical skills on your resume:

Read through the job description

Look for which of your analytical skills are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Focus on your strengths

When listing skills on your resume, only include skills that you feel most confident in.

Include accomplishments and certifications

You can provide evidence of your skills by including any awards you have won or professional associations you have joined that relate to those skills.

Show different types of skills

There are several different types of analytical skills, so be specific about which areas you excel most in.

How to improve analytical skills

Use these steps as a guide toward improving your analytical skills in the workplace:

1. First, practice being observant and aware of your surroundings

You can begin to develop your analytical skills by paying extra attention to your surroundings. Challenging yourself to make observations throughout your regular workday can make a detail-oriented mindset feel more natural in other situations. Taking the time to learn details about your coworkers, notice patterns in data or find themes in information is a great way to begin growing your ability to analyze your surroundings.

2. Second, ask questions with the intent of learning from others

Being curious and asking questions can help you develop your problem-solving ability and your creativity. Asking others about their ideas or trying to learn more about how something works can inspire you to be creative and think of things differently. Your willingness to learn from others and understand all the details of a situation can help you think critically about finding solutions to problems.

3. Third, keep your mind active with games of strategy

You can grow your analytical skills by keeping your mind active with books, puzzle games and brain teasers. Practicing critical thinking and problem-solving outside of a work environment can still improve your skills at work. Dedicating a few minutes each day to playing a strategy game or doing a crossword can help keep your mind sharp and make it easier to apply your skills on the job. Reading books, regardless of the topic, can keep your mind active, grow your communication skills and encourage you to think creatively.

4. Lastly, take professional development courses

If you want to get additional practice or gain advanced skills, look for professional development courses in analytical thinking or a related skill. This will help you challenge your skills in a new environment and offer people with different learning styles ways to learn difficult concepts.