How to Be Confident in an Interview

How to Be Confident in an Interview | Tips |

One of the best methods of succeeding in an interview is showing confidence. You can use your body language, breathing, and overall engagement as ways of showing confidence. In this article, you can explore the benefits and methods you can try before, during, and after your job interview to better showcase your expertise, skills, and overall confidence.

Benefits of being confident in an interview

Here are several benefits of displaying confidence during an interview.

Make a strong first impression

When practiced well, confidence allows you to make a great impression even in challenging circumstances. Confidence often leads to better performance, as it impacts other major areas of the interview process as well. Having confidence in an interview can help you stay focused and calm as you answer each question.

Demonstrate leadership potential

Self-confidence makes you appear more like a strong leader. Visible leadership qualities such as a firm speaking voice, nonverbal communication, and overall positivity within an interview make lasting impressions. Even if you’re not applying to a managerial role, confidence can show the interviewer that you have great potential.

Demonstrate effective communication abilities

One of the most important methods of exhibiting effective communication is through your body language. Uncross your arms and your legs to portray an open demeanor. Smile and engage with your interviewer. Actively listening and asking questions shows that you’re interested, aware, and getting as much as you can from the experience.

How to be confident in an interview

Use these steps to be confident in an interview.

1. Firstly, research the company

Accumulating as much information about the company as you can better prepares you for the types of questions they may ask. Research their history as well as the goods or services they provide. Interviewers often include questions related to the company to test how well you know them and how interested you are.

It may also be beneficial to find out who will be interviewing you. Some companies provide biographies online of their higher-ranking staff members. Take note of certain qualities or interests and use them as talking points.

2. Secondly, practice your handshake

The quality of a handshake conveys a clear message to the interviewer about the type of person you are. Allow your interviewer to initiate the handshake, then look them in the eye, offer your hand with a smile and shake firmly. A good handshake is neither limp nor too strong. Ensure your hand is clean and greet the person using their name. Practice your handshake before the interview and find a balance that shows confidence.

3. Thirdly, conduct a mock interview

Find a colleague or mentor willing to help stage an interview process with questions pertaining to both yourself and the role. If possible, ask your mock interviewer to add their own questions to see how well you answer them without preparation.

Conduct this practice interview several times, and identify any areas you can improve. For example, if you or your mock interviewer notice the use of filler words like um or uh, practice your replies so that you can answer questions more calmly and professionally.

4. Next, think positively

If you come into an interview thinking positively, it reflects in your body language and overall demeanor, making you appear more confident. It also influences better decisions in other areas, such as offering firm handshakes before and after interviews. A positive attitude can also make you more appealing to your interviewer overall. It shows that you might be a great employee to work with.

5. Then, remember to control your breathing

Before your interview, conduct a series of breathing exercises. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. Get your breathing under control and guide your mind to a more positive place. Practicing this exercise can also reduce nervous shakes or trembling, helping you to remain calm and confident during your interview.

6. Sixthly, remain still to avoid any signs of nervousness

Rustling your fingers or tapping your foot is often involuntary when you’re nervous. Remaining still can eliminate these signs of nervousness. Ensure you’re not holding anything during the interview. For example, if you brought a pen, paper, and a few copies of your resume, place them on a table. Holding items make you more likely to fiddle with them, causing a distraction for both you and the interviewer.

7. Next, keep your hands in your lap or to the side

You might cross your arms or use a similar style of body language to avoid fidgeting or simply because you’re cold. However, closed body language shows the interviewer that you’re less open to speak, making you seem less confident. This type of body language also suggests you may not like the interviewer or simply aren’t comfortable. Alternatively, laying your hands in your lap or on the arms of your chair makes you appear more open, confident, and willing to engage in the interview.

8. Then, maintain appropriate eye contact

Maintaining eye contact shows the interviewer that you’re focused and paying attention. Lock eye contact for no more than five seconds at a time, but try not to look too far away. This makes you appear more friendly instead of staring at the individual. Additionally, maintain eye contact at least half the time that you’re speaking, and even more when you’re listening.

9. Also, speak clearly

Throughout your interview, speak clearly and at a reasonable pace. Wait until the interviewer delivers their full question before responding to show that you’re thinking about their question. This pause demonstrates that you’re giving respect to your interviewer. If you’re unable to provide a meaningful answer immediately, let them know it’s a great question and ask for a moment to consider your answer. If you didn’t understand the question, politely ask for clarification.

10. Next, listen actively

Focus on what your interviewer has to say during the meeting. For example, if they ask two separate questions at the same time, make sure you listen and provide an adequate response to both. Catching these moments shows the interviewer that you’re able to listen and engage. You also may learn valuable information about the position that may not be included in the job description or job posting. Eye contact and nodding while they speak can show you’re listening.

11. Then, interview the interviewer

Ask questions during your interview. The interview process is not only a time for the organization to get to know you, but it is also a time when you can get to know the organization. Prepare a set of questions before the interview and ask them when it’s an appropriate time. Showing that you know enough about the role and the company to ask your own questions makes you more appear more confident and experienced. Asking questions also shows you’re both prepared for the interview and interested in the position.

12. Finally, build a rapport with your interviewer

Consider that your interviewer may also be nervous. Lighten the mood with humor, and if they do so first, listen and laugh along with them. Ask your own questions related to the interviewer and their background or experience with the company. Making a personal connection can make both of you more comfortable during the interview, which will improve your confidence.

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