How to Write a ‘Thank You For Your Consideration’ Message After an Interview

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An effective way to maintain a polite relationship with a hiring manager is by sending a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message after an interview. This can help them to remember who you are and allows you to stand out from other candidates. Learn what a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message is, the reasons why you should write one and steps for how to write a professional thank you message after an interview.

What is a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message? 

A ‘thank you for your consideration’ message is an email or letter you may send to an employer to thank them for interviewing you or for considering you for a role. Many applicants send a thank you for your consideration message within 24 hours after speaking with an interviewer. The contents of this message typically consist of thanking an interviewer for their time, elaborating on any discussions that happened during the interview and explaining why you’re a great fit for their company. 

Common reasons to write a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message

Here are some common reasons and instances a candidate may write a ‘thank you for your consideration’ email: 

  • After a phone interview. Candidates may send a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message after interviewing over the phone to help hiring managers to remember them and to increase their chances of being invited to a second interview.  
  • After an in-person interview. Once the in-person interview is complete, a candidate may send a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message to demonstrate politeness and to remind them why they’re the best candidate for the position.  
  • When turning down a role. If you decide to pursue a different position, you can politely and professionally decline by sending a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message to thank them for their time spent interviewing and considering you. 
  • When you’re no longer considered for a position. If you receive a message informing you that you’re longer considered for the role, you can still send an email thanking them for the opportunity to apply and interview. This allows you to maintain a professional relationship with the interviewer in case other opportunities arise that you may be a better fit for. 

Sending a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message to interviewers can be a polite gesture that professionally shows your appreciation. Writing this type of message can also help remind the interviewer who you are and allows you to stand out from other candidates. 

How to write a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message

Follow the steps below to write a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message that employers will find polite and professional: 

1. First, note the conversations in your interview

During your phone interview and immediately after your in-person interview, note the conversations you and the hiring manager discuss. This can be interesting conversations you want to bring up with them later or additional questions you thought about after the interview. You can write your notes down as soon as the interview is finished, so the information remains fresh in your brain. These can be brought up during your thank you message. 

Write the names of the interviewers as well and ask for any spelling clarifications if needed. You should send this ‘thank you for your consideration’ message to all interviewers you spoke with to remain polite and considerate. 

2. Second, answer any questions or bring up topics discussed in the interview

Greet the interviewer you’re writing to in a warm and professional way by saying Hello or Dear, followed by their name. You can start the body of your message by discussing what you mentioned in the interview. If the interviewers asked any questions you believe you responded poorly to, you can answer the question more clearly in this section.

You can also mention any topics you discussed during the interview and expand on them if you believe they are relevant to the position and make you stand out more as a candidate.

3. Third, reiterate your qualifications and why you’re the best fit for the position

If you’re following up after an interview for a position you’re still interested in, you can use the next few sentences to explain why you’re the best fit for the position by expanding on your skills and qualifications. If you’re declining the role, you can use this section to thank them for the opportunity to meet and interview and explain why you have decided to consider other options. 

4. Fourth, thank them for their time and consideration

You can end the message by professionally thanking them for the opportunity to meet with you and for considering you for the role. This demonstrates your politeness and gratitude for the position which shows them how interested you are in the position. Add your signature at the end of the message.

5. Finally, proofread and send your message

Once you’ve typed your message, reread it to ensure your message is clear, brief and relevant to the interviewer. Try to keep it an appropriate length to make it easier for the interviewer to quickly read your message, then return to their work. Proofread it to make sure it’s free of grammatical or spelling errors. Ensure you are sending it to the correct email address. 

Try to remain positive throughout the entire message and explain why you’re interested in the role or why you have decided to pursue a different position. Remaining positive and professional demonstrates your dedication to maintaining a professional relationship. 

Examples of a ‘thank you for your consideration’ message after an interview

Use the examples below to write an effective ‘thank you for your consideration’ message that shows your interest in the role: 

After an interview 

Dear Ms. Jeffords,

I wanted to take the time to thank you for interviewing with me yesterday. I enjoyed our conversation, especially our discussion involving the importance of teamwork and collaboration. I believe my dedication to working with others and collaborating with various departments to brainstorm and develop ideas is something that could make me an excellent fit for your company.

Thank you again for your consideration for the role. I look forward to speaking with you again soon.

Alex Daniels

Pursuing a different job opportunity

Hello Mr. Andrews,

I’m writing to thank you for interviewing with me on Tuesday. Our discussion regarding building a functioning marketing campaign was very interesting and I enjoyed learning your preferred strategy for creating a successful campaign. After some thinking, I’ve decided to pursue a different opportunity that applies more to my skills, qualifications and career goals. 

Thank you very much for your consideration and the opportunity to interview. I wish you luck with your candidate search.

Avery Stephens