How to Give Your Two Weeks’ Notice

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You should know how to give your two weeks’ notice to your manager if you are planning to leave your current job. Giving this notice is important because it leaves your manager with a positive impression and helps you maintain connections with your team. Giving two weeks’ notice can be intimidating but it is important to show you care about your job and employer. This article shows you how to give your two weeks’ notice with an example of a formal notice letter.

What does giving two weeks’ notice mean?

Many companies require that you submit your two weeks’ notice in writing, which is called a resignation letter. Your resignation letter will stay in your employee file so human resources can keep a record of your employment dates.

Giving two weeks’ notice means informing your manager you intend to leave your job in 14 days. Two weeks is the standard time for a resignation announcement in most industries. During this time, you can train a new employee to perform your duties, finish any projects and notify any clients you regularly work with.

How to give two weeks’ notice to an employer

Here are the steps you should follow to give two weeks’ notice to your employer:

1. Firstly, schedule a time to talk to your manager or HR department

Depending on the size of your company, you may need to inform multiple people, including your manager, department head and the human resources department about your resignation. Try to tell your direct manager first because you will already have an existing relationship with them. 

If possible, plan to give your two weeks’ notice in person. Giving your notice in-person is the most respectful approach. If distance or scheduling make an in-person conversation challenging, request a phone call instead. No matter which approach you choose, try to schedule the meeting in advance so your supervisor has enough time to talk with you.

2. Secondly, explain why you plan to leave your current job

When you resign, give an honest and concise explanation for your decision. Consider talking about your career goals to keep the conversation professional. End your explanation by discussing how your current position has prepared you for future opportunities.

For example, you are a customer service agent for a department store, and you accepted an offer to work as a customer service agent for a technology company, which is a goal you have been working toward. You can explain this reasoning to your supervisor and tell them how your current position has helped you gain the relevant experience for the new role. 

3. Be sure to set a positive tone when resigning 

Turning giving your two weeks’ notice into a positive conversation will help you resign from your job respectfully and maintain a good connection with your manager. You can express your gratitude for the company and the experience you gained in your current position. If your manager provided special training or mentoring, thank them for helping advance your career.

4. Next, discuss a transition plan for your departure 

You can show your supervisor you care about the future of the company by guiding the conversation toward a transition plan. Offer to take part in the company’s standard transition policy if they have one. Alternatively, share ideas about how the department can handle your responsibilities after you leave.

Try to schedule a time when you can meet again to discuss the transition in detail. You can help make the process smoother by reviewing the job posting description, sharing online files and creating project briefs. 

5. Put your two weeks’ notice in writing

Bring a written resignation letter giving your two weeks’ notice formally to the meeting with your manager or HR department. At the end of the meeting, give the letter to the right person to document your decision.

Providing a written statement might seem formal, but many companies have this requirement. Ask your manager if you need to complete additional steps to confirm your upcoming departure from the company.

6. Lastly, prepare to answer your manager or employer’s questions about your resignation

After hearing your news, your manager or employer may want to ask you questions. Be prepared to provide answers about what you plan to do next or if they can convince you to stay. 

Sometimes, your manager might even offer you a promotion or other incentives to stay. Try to prepare some professional responses to any offers. If you fully intend to leave the company, thank them for the offer and express that accepting a different opportunity is the best course of action for you.

Two weeks’ notice letter template

You can follow a template to frame your resignation letter in a clear, concise way.

Your contact information: Add your name, phone number and email at the top of the letter.

Date: Use the date you plan to give your notice. 

Supervisor’s name: Include their full name. 

Company information: List the company’s name and address.

Paragraph 1: Confirm your resignation and state your position. Include your last date of employment.

Paragraph 2: Incorporate a positive statement.

Paragraph 3: Conclude with final steps, including your willingness to help with the transition. 

Signature: Sign the letter and write your full name below. 

Two weeks’ notice letter example

Use this sample to write your resignation letter:

Hannah Lee
123 Primary Avenue, Apt. 114
New York, NY 11111

July 1, 2019

Pat Steward
Zesty Italian Catering, Inc. 
987 Main Street
New York, NY 12345

Dear Ms. Steward,

This letter confirms that I am giving two weeks’ notice of my resignation from Zesty Italian Catering, Inc. My last day as an account manager for Zesty Italian Catering, Inc. will be July 15, 2019.

I have enjoyed working with Zesty Italian Catering, Inc., and it has been a pleasure to contribute to the marketing department. I appreciate the company’s commitment to cultivating my skills and experience.

During the next two weeks, I will continue to produce top-quality work for the company. I look forward to developing a transition plan with assistance from the marketing department.

Hannah Lee