How to End a Letter Professionally

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When you write a letter, email or message for work and your career, it should follow a formal structure. Writing a professional signoff or closing statement is important for clear communication and leaving a positive impression with the recipient. This article will help you end a letter professionally and provide examples of professional closing paragraphs you can use.

How to end a letter professionally to develop your career

Follow these steps to end a letter professionally:

1. Summarize the purpose of your letter in the conclusion

First, use the first part of the conclusion to summarize the body of your letter to add greater emphasis on the most important points. Keep this part of the ending as concise as possible—try to use just one or two sentences.

For example, a cover letter can conclude with a summary of your interest in the company, and a thank you note can end with a brief statement of gratitude. A resignation letter can include a confirmation of your final date of employment. 

2. Indicate what the next steps are for the reader in your letter

Most business letters have two goals: communicating a message and encouraging the recipient to act. To prompt action at the close of your letter, add a sentence with one or two steps you would like to happen next.

For example, in a letter of interest, you can encourage a prospective employer to contact you for an interview. A thank you note can include hope that you can return the favor and a resignation letter can include a suggestion to schedule an exit interview.

3. Include a formal sign-off when ending your letter

Then, every letter should include a short sign-off right before your signature. When closing a business letter, choose a formal acknowledgment that’s appropriate for the type of message and relationship to the recipient.

For example, a cover letter can end with ‘Respectfully’ or ‘Thank you for your consideration,’ while a letter of resignation can close with ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Regards.’ Simple endings like ‘Thank you’ and ‘With appreciation’ work best for thank you notes.

4. Consider the tone you’re using when ending your letter

Next, regardless of the type of letter, the closing should have the right tone. An effective closing continues the tone from the body and ends the letter with a clear message.

For example, a letter of interest should end with an enthusiastic tone, while a thank you note should convey appreciation. A letter of resignation should end in a straightforward and businesslike way.

5. Use the correct professional letter format

Last, to appear as professional as possible, the end of a business letter should follow a standard format. When writing a salutation longer than one word, capitalize just the first word. Sign the letter, and write your full name below. Include your contact information, such as your phone number, email address and street address if applicable.

Example of a professional cover letter ending

Since your cover letter offers an introduction to your resume, this message is your first opportunity to make a good impression on a potential employer. Consider ending your cover letter by confirming your interest in the position and your enthusiasm for continuing the hiring process. Then encourage the hiring manager to take the next step, which might be scheduling a job interview. 

Example of a closing statement for a cover letter: 

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this position with you in person. Please contact me to arrange an interview at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration,
Hannah Lee

Example of a professional thank you letter closing

Thank you letters are ideal for expressing gratitude after finishing a job interview or making a professional connection. Think about ending your thank you note by confirming your appreciation for the recipient’s time and effort. When sending thank you letters after an interview, you can briefly review your qualifications for the position, too. You can also mention a reasonable way you could return the favor if applicable.

Example of a closing statement for a ‘thank you’ letter: 

Thank you for taking the time to meet me for an informational interview. I look forward to pursuing a career in the field and would appreciate the opportunity to contribute to your team should you need a member with my expertise. 

With appreciation,
Hannah Lee

Example of professional resignation letter closing

A resignation letter allows you to leave a positive impression with your employer while delivering the news that you are leaving the job. Try to end your resignation letter by expressing gratitude for the opportunities you received before confirming the details of your departure. You can use your business contact information so your human resources department can easily reach you if they have additional questions. 

Example of a closing statement for a resignation letter: 

I appreciate the experience this organization has helped me gain and the mentorship you offered during my employment. I will continue to contribute my best work to The Ramekin Company until my final employment date of July 1. I look forward to scheduling an exit interview prior to that date.

Hannah Lee
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