How to Format a Goal Setting Template

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Setting goals is an important aspect of making developments and improving areas within your career and personal life. You can make goal setting more effective for yourself by using a goal setting template, or you can format your own way of organizing each element of your progress toward achieving your goals. You can use the example goal setting template provided in this article to help you organize your action plan.

Why is it important to set goals?

Setting goals is important in developing and making improvements within your career and within various aspects of your personal life. When you set goals for yourself, you are essentially acknowledging your motivation to achieve something that can make some aspect of your life better. You might set goals for improving how you perform at work, or you might set goals for increasing your financial status. 

Tips for personal goal setting

When you set goals for yourself, it can be helpful to follow a template or create a simple worksheet for listing your objectives. By taking notes on your progress and reevaluating or revising your strategy when necessary can positively impact your growth and development. Additionally, keeping track of dates/deadlines, small accomplishments and best strategies can also be beneficial when using a goal setting template.

How to use a goal setting template

You can follow the steps below to guide you when using a template to track your goals:

1. First, write down your goals

First, it is important to list the main goal or two that you want to achieve. These can be long-term goals that, when accomplished, will improve an aspect of your life, like your career path or your health and wellness. It can also be more effective to focus on only one or two main goals at a time rather than trying to accomplish several large objectives at once, as you can avoid becoming overwhelmed and getting distracted between too many tasks.

2. Second, list the actions you can take

Secondly, make a list of specific actions and approaches you can take to help you move toward your final goal. For instance, if your main goal is to improve your spending habits, you might make a list of actions like allocating small amounts of money to a savings account when you get the urge to go shopping. Taking actions to accomplish smaller objectives that get you closer to your goals can also help keep you motivated and focused on your end goal.

3. Next, identify ways to measure your progress

Next, it’s important to identify specific ways that you can measure your progress toward your goal. For example, if you set a goal to save $2,500 in one year, it’s essential to identify the methods you will use to ensure you are making progress.

You might use your bank statements that provide an overview of the amount in your savings plus the interest you have accrued to help you monitor the increase in your account. You can print these financial statements each time you deposit money into your savings, or you might keep a monthly record. Whichever method you choose to use to monitor your progress, it is also important that you remain consistent when evaluating your achievements.

4. Then, determine the time it will take

Once you have stated your main goals and listed the approaches you will take to move you forward, you can then set a time frame for achieving the end result. For instance, if you want to save $2,500 within one calendar year, your timeline should follow that period. Then, you can break up your time frame into smaller time-bound objectives, such as adding $210 into your savings account by the end of each month. Setting a deadline for achieving your goals can also keep you motivated to meet your objectives.

5. Finally, organize each element coherently

Finally, you can organize your notes in a coherent format, either by following a template or creating your own. For instance, you might type out your goal setting elements in a table format and print out the page to keep where you can view it daily. You can also create a flowchart that shows the progression of your approaches toward achieving your goals.

Essentially, it can be a good idea to have this information in a place where you can review it regularly, so printing out your goal setting worksheet is an effective strategy for staying motivated and monitoring your overall progress.

Goal setting template

Here is a template to help you format your own goal setting worksheet:

Main goal:

[State one or two main goals that you want to achieve.]


[Set a deadline for achieving your goal or time frame for accomplishing smaller objectives that move you toward the end result.]


[List steps and actions you can take to help you accomplish each goal]

Progress monitoring:

[List the ways you plan to evaluate and measure your progress]

Daily or weekly objectives:

[Break down large goals into smaller objectives]


[Create a space for self-reflection on your progress]


[Format a section for listing and evaluating your success]

Goal setting example

The following example illustrates how you might implement your goal setting worksheet:

Main goals:

  • Increase work productivity
  • Improve time management skills


  • Successful productivity and improvement of time-management within the next six months


  • Organize daily tasks according to the urgency
  • Document each completed task
  • Maintain an organized schedule
  • Set deadlines for specific project tasks
  • Use a timer to integrate task management and taking short breaks
  • Avoid off-task office conversation

Progress monitoring:

  • Requesting and applying feedback from supervisors and coworkers
  • Documenting completion of urgent tasks for review
  • Tracking and reducing the time it takes to complete smaller tasks

Daily and weekly objectives:

  • Meet daily and weekly deliverable quotas
  • Successfully complete one urgent task daily to make progress toward completing projects


  • Improved ability to meet daily objectives from three days per week to four days per week
  • Improved consistency with managing urgent and small tasks


  • Consistent improvement in meeting deadlines and staying on task in the office

Tips for creating a goal setting worksheet

As you work through your goal setting template, make sure your goals are specific enough for you to implement effective approaches for measuring your progress. Additionally, breaking down larger, long-term goals into smaller objectives can help you stay motivated to accomplish each aspect of achieving your end results. You can use your worksheet to document your progress and take notes on new developments as you move toward achieving your goals.